Food industry

The chief engineer of one of the bakeries in Moscow was skeptical about repairing the steel structures of the shop and advocated the idea of partial replacement, insisting that it was impossible to carry out the works without consequences in the form of settled dust formed in the process of sandblasting to prepare the rusted beams and supports for painting. As a result, the next year we received an order for cleaning the steel structures of the entire workshop, and he sent us an acknowledgment for saving several hundred thousand Euro.

Strict sanitary requirements did not allow considering the project of repairing the anti-corrosion protection of steel structures with wet surface preparation simply because of the established stereotype that sandblasting does not suit them by definition.

Once again - the absence of dust opens up completely different opportunities and prospects.

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To order Energy Blast or Amidal inhibitor, send a request via the form on the website or call +372 5657 6116.

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