About us

We do the devices and the inhibitor

Dear colleagues!...

Here we could have written that we are very glad to welcome you on our web-site, and that your business will go perfect since now, and how much you will save, win, earn, and so on. And you could read it here just recently. But we are constantly learning and have learnt something. First and utmost, we have learnt to manage priorities. Of course, we cannot say that we've seen the daylight just now, but who will say that they know how to set priorities in a right way from the very beginning? Here is what we have today. Firstly, it’s understanding that human health is inestimable value, plus the priority of the living environment cleanliness, and then a common sense. Regarding the cleaning and painting of ships, bridges and so on, it means that the facility you work with will not be shifted far away due to your efforts, but it will become really European.

Everything you will find on the website is described in such a paradigm. Business is just a derivative. And you can find here almost everything to determine this derivative correctly, that is to develop business successfully. “Almost” because there is something that always depends on you. And you will be in line with world's standards!

We do not know your speciality, but you may probably find yourself below:

Choose your position:

  • To site visitors
  • To business owners
  • To general directors
  • To chief engineers
  • To technologists
  • To marketing specialist
  • To operations managers
  • To financial experts
  • Health, safety and environment

To site visitors:

Have you ever thought about the loss suffered due to the dust dispersing everywhere during dry abrasive blast cleaning?

A large consulting company analysed a business plan for financing a company specializing in sea transportation of bulk products and planning to purchase several ships for business expansion. One of the questions to the business plan was the question of ship repair, and we as experts were involved in appraisal of several plants as to their services cost and price and technology conformity. As a result, in the course of auditing the processes at 4 ship-repair plants we have found out that the loss from the dust formed during dry abrasive blast cleaning made from 3 to 8 percent of the dock repairs revenue!

Here are some figures of the damage:

1. In different parts of the production process:
- operational 0.16–0.3%
- material and technical 1.58–3.2%
- service 0.49–1.9%

2. In financial and investment activities of the plant 0.15-1.0%

3. In the cost of increased probability of emergencies 0.52-0.9%

4. From legal consequences 0.1-0.7%

Red square (2016)
Red square
May 2016
VDNH (May 2017)
May 2017
Any ship repair facility
Any ship repair facility

The management of three plants were highly impressed by these figures and having analysed the offers of dust-free technology, they selected our devices.

And even if you are still using dry abrasive cleaning, the fact that you visit our site means you are on the right track! We not only offer the modern technology and modern equipment, we also inform about passed tests of paint materials for various operation environments, arrange communication with manufacturers of these paint materials, provide consulting based on our own inspection experience in the cleaning and painting process organization.

To business owners:

If you do not run your own business, but delegate it to the general director and his team, and at the same time you know that your company is cleaning with dry abrasives, be sure: what you receive from the business is not the profit, but increased expenses. These expenses are associated with incredible costs for abrasives, transportation, consumables, sandblasting equipment, fuel, incompetent organization of the production process, as well as, possibly, fines, recycling and settlement of quality claims.

But even if you were persuaded that with "dry" cleaning, everything is fine at your enterprise, and it seems that this is so, do not solace yourself - this is not so, and we are ready to prove it with the figures of the income you lost. With dust-free cleaning you will have more money and less problems. We guarantee!

To general directors:

In 2009, we began to introduce dust-free cleaning at 30 Ship Repair Yard, as one of the main measures to get the plant out of a catastrophic crisis. I took the yard over complete with more than half a billion debts, lawsuits, courts, arrests, lack of orders and absolute hopelessness.

Once, in the evening, I could not leave work on time: a team of sandblast operators was waiting in the reception room. They came to "talk to the director”. The atmosphere was rather aggressive. They were afraid for their status and payments, because it was believed that the whole their value was that they were losing their health in hazardous production. But we agreed quickly. They themselves helped to end the conversation in a positive way: “We used to know what we worked for. We were selling our health. Now what? ” - "Gentlemen, the plant buys your labor, so you should leave your health to yourself and your families". After these two phrases, even the loss of the sandblaster's status (after all, they were “the most pretentious” of all the ship repair specializations) stopped bothering them.

I decided to implement this technology because I understood: the absence of dust is a way to shorten the production cycle, reduce costs, re-position of the plant on the market, etc.

The FESCO’s chief engineer, answering my question, said: “When you learn to work without dust and you are ready to repair the ship in 15-18 days, I will come to you myself and queue up. And by that time, you will have a queue”.

To sum up:

— we reduced the cost of consumables and resources
— we increased labor productivity
— we reduced production cycle
— and looked at the perspective of the yard in a different way.

The volume of orders for the six months increased by 5 times!

To chief engineers:

Who, if not you, the chief engineers, knows about the detrimental effect of dust on the machines and mechanisms at the production? Who, if not you, understands the difference in the real and possible life of their service? Who, if not you, makes difficult decisions in a situation where, on the one hand, the mechanism has a century to work, and on the other, it needs to be depreciated?

You know perfectly well the cause, the consequences and the way to solve this problem, which is obvious: get rid of the dust! And what? Everyone works in the dust! But if you visited our web-site, it means that all throwing has come to an end and common sense will prevail, meanwhile rubbing surfaces will rub and not wear out, hydraulic reflector will slide and not tear off, filter compressors will filter and not get clogged with dust, and you will not be emergency commissioners, but chief engineers who are confident in the performance of their equipment.

To technologists:

Dear technologists, when you read descriptions of some new technological solutions, machines, equipment, tools, what do you come across in one form or another? It is either an attempt to sell you something that “they themselves invented, produced and sell”, or “they resell what others have invented”. The first option is an attempt to reach you by manipulating the criteria for evaluating their products to suit your needs, and the second is (not always, of course) an incompetent offer of something invented by others.

What do the sellers of modern "dust-free" devices answer to the question of instantaneous corrosion of wet treated metal? At best, they will refer you to us, as the manufacturers of corrosion inhibitor specifically designed for wet sandblasting. At worst, they will begin to talk about paints that are applied on rusty surfaces. Does any of them talk about desalting (Bresle method) or dedusting? The maximum of their competence in anticorrosive protection are the phrases with the mention of Sa 2,5. Moreover, their understanding of this indicator is very vague. And there are clever fellows who know about the roughness, but this is the maximum of their competence.

We, selecting the technology for our ship repair production, have tried different methods of preparing surfaces for applying paint and varnish products. 3000 bar water pumps, gas-plasma boosters, cryoblasting, hydrodynamics with abrasives. But we stopped on the "wet" sandblasting. And that's why:

  • requirements of standards are fully observed
  • labor productivity up to 35 m2/h (surface C, regular, cleaning up to Sa 2.5, copper slag fraction 0.5-1.5 mm, Ry = 40-60 µm);
  • operational gap between cleaning and painting can be extended to 48 hours or more, while maintaining the state of the surface;
  • if you desire to work in the dry mode - no problems;
  • there is no need to retrain - a simple sandblast operator starts working after a 10-minute briefing;
  • compressors can be arranged near the cleaning site, reducing losses in the abrasive path, without being afraid of failure of the compressors;
  • dedusting is cleaner - having washed with the help of Karcher, or with the help of the apparatus itself;
  • values of the presence of salts are within the allowable ones: here are the figures from a particular facility
Ry µm Conductivity mSm/cm amount of salts
water quality
40 48 52,8 potable SanPiN
60 71 78,1
40 37 40,7 Osmotic
60 43 47,3
  • the likelihood of oil ingression on the surface is much lower than with dry sandblasting;
  • but the main thing is the absence of dust.

Did you understand that we also produce corrosion inhibitor? It protects the surface from corrosion for 48 hours or more, it is not necessary to remove it from the surface, the consumption is 1%, and it is very inexpensive - 4.9 euro per 1 kg of concentrate or within 0.16 euro per square meter. Naturally, we conducted tests for the emerged and submerged hull at the accredited FROSIO Institute, with the involvement of representatives from Hempel, Jotun and Wilckens.

This is your topic, this is your technology.

To marketing specialist:

Has it ever occurred to you that if your company uses dry sandblasting, then all variations on the topic “how are we different from competitors” or “in what way are we better than competitors” had already been exhausted? And you realize that the company competes in the market only “in price”, and your relevance for the enterprise decreases (you can even say it is “devalued”). If you look into the near future, it will become clear: whoever masters something “first”, he will be the first to win, and that will attract both customers and their money. Even your loyal old customers eventually begin to think not only about the former merits of your enterprise, but also about their own place in the business field.

"All the orders are now ours - without noise and dust". It is an interesting marketing move, isn't it? And this is an honest, unconditional position, when you need to say that it is allowed to paint a slightly rusted surface after hydrodynamic cleaning at 3000 bar. Now you can open ISO 8501-1 2007 standard picture with the Sa2.5 or Sa3 standard and, without exaggeration, say: “That’s what we do!”

Imagine what prospects are opening up when building up “dust-free” relationships with the customers and positioning an enterprise in a highly competitive environment? And when it is, among other things, supported by the materials of such experts as JOTUN, Wilckens, Hempel and Prometheus ... Meanwhile the competitors do not have such support. And if someone starts talking about competitive advantages in your professional environment, then you can be sure that your “dust-free” advantages are uncompetitive.

To operations managers:

Anyone who has ever built the production process knows: it is difficult to restructure a streamlined mechanism of industrial relations, operational chains, supply chains, etc. But here what is interesting: in the situation with our devices, it is possible to completely rebuild the operating part of the production quite smoothly and painlessly. The goal is to bring sandblasting in parallel with the carrying out of other technological processes. And you can make way toward this in steps, connecting in parallel one operation at a time. You can start, for example, with welding. In the video where we clean the ship, it is clearly seen that the welders work in parallel.

The main thing is to teach the staff to work on the devices and start the operations. It is not difficult to adjust all other processes for the new “dust-free” conditions.

To financial experts:

A serious financial effect and your participation in it based on common sense and sober calculations can be summarized with the phrase: "I will find the money for this."

So, after the production workers gave the raw data to economists, they processed them and submitted the figures to you, and the marketing specialists confirmed the relevance of this offer in the market, the director will ask you: "Your opinion?", You can not give other answer, except: "Of course!"

We considered the business plan using Alt-Invest software for a ship repair yard with a 30% capacity utilization (70,000 sq. m for cleaning/painting), with an increase in demand of 15-20%, a decrease in the cost of repairing the submerged hull by 5 % And the program showed confident sustainability. Even fluctuations in the selling price of 15% did not lead the project to the negative zone. And investments in one of our sandblasting machines are paid off with every second thousand square meters, and this is even when considering a pessimistic scenario.

Health, safety and environment:

The main advantage of the "dust-free" technology, no matter how trite it may sound, is the absence of dust. This is something for which you will be thanked not only by sandblaster, but also by their families. And who else - the workers of other specialities, coming after the cleaning/painting, when everything around is NOT covered with dust. Defending the “dust-free” technology, you are defending the healthy future of the company's employees and the well-being of their families.

When the absence of dust during sandblasting works will become the standard, and everyone will take it for granted, try to imagine a hypothetical return “to dust”.

Maksim Kutyanin General Director of ENERGIA LLC

from 3 weeks production time
for a batch
from 10 to 30 machines in a batch

Own production

We have own production facilities equipped with up-to-date welding, plasma cutting, sanitary-engineering, pneumatic, hydraulic, installation, and measuring equipment and separate chemical production complex.
We produce some components on our own, and purchase some of them from vendors who have undergone rigorous selection process.

  • We prepare the flasks of our machines for painting with Energy-Blast 300/12 to Sa3
  • We prepare the flasks of our machines for painting with Energy-Blast 300/12 to Sa3

No similar machines in Russia


Twice cheaper
than many other machines of the same kind

1-year warranty

We produce pneumatic abrasive jet machines in compliance with all safety norms and standards for pressure vessels.

About Energy Blast testing

Different companies trust us

Many companies have duly appreciated the machines produced by us as evidenced by the increased demand in Amidal and interest of the partners.

Scopes of application

Pneumatic abrasive jet machines ENERGY BLAST are used at ship-repair and oil and gas enterprises, as well as by companies specializing in anticorrosive treatment.

All scopes of application

Product quality and reliability

By purchasing our machines you will get wearproof, durable, and efficient equipment providing for optimizing the production and operation process and, as a result, increasing the company income and profitability. Details

year operation life of the flask

1-year warranty
from our company

  • Saves material costs

    During operation at the pressure of 10-12 atmosphere (as compared to standard 6-8 atm), the abrasive consumption is reduced from 36 down to 14-15 kg/m². The operation life of abrasive hoses increases twofold, and of nozzles - three-fold.

  • Characteristics of the Energy Blast machine

    Abrasive loading volume300 l / 80 l

    Operating pressureup to 12 atm

    Operation mode‘wet’, ‘dry’, variable humidity

    Power supply12 V

  • Safe and efficient

    No dust during the Energy Blast operation makes it possible to make cleaning simultaneously with other works. This allows for radical changing the whole cleaning process and minimizing costs.

  • Process optimizations

    Lack of dust during the operation allows you to safely perform cleaning in parallel with other repair work. This makes it possible to radically change the entire technological process of cleaning and optimize costs.

  • Corrosion resistance for 48 hours and more

    Using the corrosion inhibitor makes it possible to perform cleaning and painting in one pass. The fixative does not deteriorate the paint adhesion to the cleaned surface, and is within the allowed parameters of the water-soluble salts amount on the cleaned surface it also protects the surface from atmospheric corrosion even in the fog and dew.

    Order Amidal
  • Dust free cleaning

    Wet abrasive at a pressure of 10 atmospheres at a speed of 20 m² / hour removes traces of paint and rust. The degree of roughness of 2.5 is achieved immediately and remains unchanged until the time of coating.

Contact us
to order
the equipment

To order Energy Blast, send a request form from our website or call us +372 5657 6116.

Submit request

IP Kutyanin MO

INN 500601441290

Postal address:

2 ul. Pobedy,
Moscow region, Russia

Warehouse on the map

+372 5657 6116